Why Become a Member at an Association?

Delft is a real student city and, because of this, has a many sided and lively student life consisting of multiple student associations. By becoming a member at an association you’ll get to know new people at light speed - with the benefit that you’ll consistently see these people as opposed to friends from your study who might progress at different speeds. One person might finish their bachelor in three years, while the other switches to another study after one. An association also gives you the opportunity to develop yourself outside of your study’s curriculum.

The transition from highschool to university or college can be a huge step. Adjusting to a new form of education, but also moving out, finding a place to sport or getting to know new people.

What Does the Koornbeurs Have to Offer?

  1. A place to spend the night in Delft if needed
  2. Tutoring
  3. A social network outside of your study
  4. A social safety net
  5. Development of soft and practical skills


Members pay €10,- per month and that’s it. Before you become a member, you’ll be a “knowledgemaker” (a poor but funny translation, meaning trial member) for three months, without paying contribution. To become a “knowledgemaker” you’ll have to pay a one time fee of €20,-. Included in the price is an exclusive “knowledgemaker”-package with a multitude of goodies.

Participating in a “mensa” (eating dinner cooked by another member) costs around €4,00 per meal. It is also possible to do a cleaning shift once (or more times) a month to earn €21,- to pay your membership with.


The Koornbeurs has no obligations, other than paying contribution. There are no mandatory shifts of any kind. Furthermore, there’s no compulsory attendance during member evenings. You decide yourself when you do or do not want to come!

Sign up now!