General Week


Mensa is one of the most amazing things at the Koornbeurs. Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, someone from the Koornbeurs cooks a healthy, delicious, homecooked, budget-friendly meal which we enjoy together upstairs in the attic. Mensas are perfect for when it’s exam season and you don’t have time to cook, or you just want to be around other people and enjoy amazing food from all corners of the world. And, as a bonus, there’s always drinks and cake as a dessert at the zolderbar.

General schedule

On Mondays we have our weekly board game session where you can unwind by playing all sorts of games like Dominion, Code names and Catan. Fun fact, the WEEE-WOOO of the Luchtalarm means that there is a board game night at the Koornbeurs, how thoughtful of the Dutch government.

Tuesdays are general nights, you can come, enjoy Mensa, participate in activities or just chill with the wonderful people at the Koornbeurs. A lot of our lovely committees also usually have meetings then, check out our committees page to learn more about what the different committees do for the association!

Wednesdays are our members nights where we have all sorts of wacky themes such as Coachella, Cocktail and Frikandel (yes that was a thing) ledenavonds with discounted prices at the kelder and zolder bars for members. These are usually the most busy nights of the week because of how fun they are, and the low prices don’t help!

Friday/Saturday are usually our party/live music nights, so you can come enjoy incredible music by talented musicians or DJ’s in the coziest basement in Delft, often for a really low fee or free! The genres vary wildly, from folk metal, to experimental EDM so you’re guaranteed to have music that you like, or maybe find something new and broaden your horizons. For the upcoming year at the Koornbeurs, we are aiming to have live music every Friday, something that the Popkie is working very hard at!